Personal Combinations

Equilibrium to Bear Suffering, the diagonal functions, are complementary. Both seem necessary for a happy personal existence. So we are likely to experience an attraction to two , one from each diagonal.
andRemember: In positioning within the quadrant, the more extreme (outer circle) was identified as being under personal auspices, while the more central (inner circle) was identified as being under social auspices.
Vertical Pairing
In examining «right» as an existential phenomenon, both in a quadrant were found to be either tension-generating i.e. requiring a focus on reality while transcending and so intensifying inner experiences regardless of others or tension-reducing i.e. being selective about reality, feeling inner comfort, and gaining approval and support from others.
Using the auspices and tension dimensions to characterize the , they pair off as shown in this Table:
Tension-reducing | Tension-generating | |
Social auspices | Meaning |
Personal auspices |
These combinations align with vertical pairing of the transcendence of current reality. Note that each pairing combines one from each diagonal: Equilibrium and .
as shown in the diagram: i.e. both involve similar degrees ofHorizontal Pairing
In examining the effects of self-detachment, a distinction was made between those that enabled self-protection, and those requiring use of self-as-an-instrument. We can also combine this duality with the social auspices v personal auspices distinction.
Using the auspices and self dimensions to characterize the , they pair off as shown in this Table:
Self-as-an-Instrument | Self-Protection | |
Social auspices |
Enlightenment |
Personal auspices |
These combinations align with horizontal pairing of the detachment from ego/self. This pairing also combines one from each diagonal: Equilibrium and .
as shown in the diagram: i.e. both have a similar degree ofConclusion
From the above, there are eight likely combinations of Equilibrium and .
that provide the twin complementary existential needs:See more details and examples of each of the pairs.
Originally posted: 27-Jul-2012.